Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 55 in Firenze: Getting Hit on by an Italian Man

 Ciao Ragazzi! 

I am about midway through November and it is almost time for me to come home. Can you believe this??? It's gone by so quickly. 
Well, today, I have some rather interesting things to tell you and I bet you are eager to hear the story that refers to today's title no doubt. 
Ok, so let me first say that I was not expecting this at all. I never thought an Italian man, especially a good looking one, would ask me out on a freaking date. Why would I think this? Well, firstly whenever I go out with a group of friends the guys never look at me or make comments about me. It is always about my friends. Secondly, (you are going to laugh at this one I just know it) I see myself as being a dork. 
Moving on. 
So, I like walking around by myself sometimes. (Why is the Jaws theme song playing in my head?) I like the quiet time to myself. I like exploring on my own, which is something new to me on this trip. Well, I went out to dinner one night by myself and then went walking by the Santa Croce. I took a seat and sat there for about five minutes or so, until I saw this smiling Italian man heading my way. Since I was alone and it was dark I didn't want to have to deal with him, so I got up and left for home. As I was walking home this Italian guy stopped on the sidewalk next to me and looked me up and down and said: Buona Sera! I said good evening back to him and booked it back to the house. 

The following day I went up to this great viewpoint that overlooks the entire city of Florence called Piazzale di Michelangelo. I was up there for a half an hour or so and then went back home. On my way home I have to pass the Santa Croce and as I was passing it I saw this smiling Italian man heading my way. I didn't actually know he was LITERALLY heading MY way. So, I smiled back and kept on walking and as I kept on walking I could sense that he was following me. There was this large group of asian tourists, so I maneuvered around them, hoping to lose him, but then what do you know he was walking at my side on the street where he could have been hit by a car. Of course, he started talking to me in Italian and I told him I only knew a little bit: poco. 
So, then we stood there for about 10 minutes just talking. Oh gosh, here comes the interesting part. He said he has seen me several times by the Santa Croce and said that I was so beautiful he had to talk to me. 
Good lord...
I said: Grazie. 
Then he wanted to go get a cappuccino with me. This guy looked like he was in his late 20's or early 30's. I told him I didn't know him, so I wasn't going to go out with him. Plus I had to get back home anyways. He said: Well, you can get to know me. 
He then asked if I had a cellphone. I told him I did have an Italian phone, but that I did not know the number. This shocked him. He said: Perche? (Why?)
Me: I'm not a normal teenager. I hardly use my phone. 
He was incredibly persistent. He wouldn't leave me alone. I really wish I was with a group of girls because then getting away from him would be a bit easier. So, this is what I did to get him to go away. I said: I'll take your number and name. (So, I typed this in my iPhone.) His name is Camillo by the way people. I told him I would call him if I wanted to see him. 
Then I shook his hand and said that it was nice to meet him at which point he pulled me into a hug. 
Good lord...
Then I booked it back home, feeling super shaky and definitely flattered. 
Some of you on facebook (these were all non-relatives) told me to go out with an Italian man, have him buy me coffee, just go to a SUPER public place and have an escape plan. Others (mainly my relatives) told me that the man was a creep. And then of course Walter asked if he was hot. Yes, he was attractive. He had short curly dark hair and those charming Italian brown eyes.  
Moving on....
So, this Friday a group of my friends and I are going to see The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (goodness that is a ridiculously long title) on Friday. I'm actually excited about seeing this movie in Italy. I've never seen a movie in a foreign country before. This should be lots of fun. 
Speaking of movies!!! 
So guess what I saw over and over yesterday???? 
THE HUNGER GAMES trailer!!!! Ok, I'm going to admit something here. I have never ever ever cried during a movie trailer before, but I actually teared up during this, particularly at the part where Katniss volunteers as tribute to save her sister. 
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! And then there was Peeta. I seriously can not wait. 
This Thursday is our last day in Italian, which seems super weird. 
Then on Sunday I am traveling to Switzerland and Germany by train all by myself. That is going to be quite the epic journey for me. I know I'll definitely have some stories to share about that one. 
Then it is almost time for my mom to come over and pick me up. This is so crazy. I can't believe my time is almost up. Haha. I sound like I am in jail, which is hilarious because I am FAR from it. 

That's all I have for you on this freezing Tuesday afternoon. 


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